Lately I feel like my kids have been sucking the life out of me. (You know you feel that way sometimes too!) The heart issues are coming out in full force. Not just theirs but mine as well. I literally have been passing out at night with exhaustion.
The verse above is what the Lord gave me when He called me to homeschool. He reminds me every year that we are to help them put on the armor of God. Not do it for them, (because we can't) but to teach them how, to show them what it means and then just pray and allow the Lord to work. I have been on my knees praying for the Lord to show me what to do and He keeps bringing me back to this verse. Teach them diligently..... Diligent means; constant effort or exertion, attentive, not carelessly...... I can honestly say I am not intentional the way I should be about bringing my kids and myself back to truth. The world likes to creep in and before you know it, it feels like I am a football player pushing the sleds across the finish line...... and then there's truth..... "Not by might, nor by power, but My Spirit." (Zech. 4:6)
I love to journal!! So today, during our bible time, I had the kids journal WITH me. We read James 3 together, talked about what it meant to each of us, how we can apply it in our home first. Because if we can't treat our own family members with respect and build them up in love, then we can't do it out in the world. You can fake it, but the way you act in the secret places will come out. James 3 says that ours words can effect the WHOLE BODY, not just one person.
After spending time really talking about it, we all journaled together as we played worship music in the background.
Some of our finished projects.
And then we prayed again. We always talk about how we can't just decide to use kind words. It starts from within and only the Lord can change that. After spending this sweet time with my babies we all asked each other for forgiveness.
Raising babies for Jesus can be tough, but when I stop trying to control everything and just let the Lord take over, that is when everything else just disappears and worship happens.
Thankful for the beauty in mess,
I LOVE THIS!!!! Intentional, hard work...and you children will rise up and call you blessed!!