My heart has been hurting to go back to Ethiopia since we left last November. When our church sent a team there in February I was crushed that I could not go. (Caleb was just home) When a dear friend of mine told me about a mission trip she was planning for October I knew I had to go, but fear crept in. " No money, No childcare," So I briefly brought it up to hubby and then I let it go, but I never stopped thinking about it. After praying for the last few days hubby said that I should go. If God wanted me to go then He would provide the money and He would provide the childcare. (Hubby has to work and has no days off)
There is so much about Ethiopia that I love. It's not just about children hurting and no families and lack of...everything! There are amazing Jesus filled ministries that are all ready there. Being able to go there and help out different ministries in anyway God sees fit would be incredible!!
Before I tell you the costs, let me tell you all the wonderful things we will be doing. (taken from my friend's blog)
Our approach
will be to support existing sustainable ministries making a lasting
impact in Ethiopia both now and for the future.
We will be working with several different grass roots,
sustainable, gospel centered ministries in Addis and the
surrounding area. We will visit a womens beading project, a day
care, an HIV community, a leper hospital, a family based orphan
and widow ministry, and much more!
There is even more that God will have planned, as He always does.
The total cost of the trip will be $1975.
The break down is this:
$100 due June1st ( in two days)
$500 due July 1st
$975 due August 1st
$400 due Sept. 1st
Instead of my normal freak out about how I am going to raise these funds. I will be praying and will just take one thing at a time.
I need to raise $100 by June 1st to be put on the list to go. Talk about waiting til last minute. I want the Lords will and I am praying that He does want me to go and love on some wonderful babies and families and to help in different ministries for His Glory.
Please pray and see if God would have you help me go! Even $5 can add up! You can donate to my paypal on the right of my blog. Feel free to also email me for my address.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep
oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
2024 Project Recap
1 day ago