Overwhelmed is the only word that I can think of right now. That is how I am feeling. So much paperwork, so much to do, so much money still to be raised, so much hurting, so many children needing homes, so many people in this world who have no idea what it's like to REALLY and TRULY feel loved for no reason at all. Just so much, so yes I am feeling a little overwhelmed.
It's so hard to sit here and think about all those precious children in this world that need homes and the only thing that stands in their way is money. I really hate money. I hate talking about it, I hate asking for it, I hate seeing it wasted. How often we take just buying a 69cent cheeseburger for granted. The fact that we spend $4 on coffee just blows my mind ( I am just as guilty) I want the Lord's money to help further His kingdom, I want to help as many families as I can bring home their forever children, I want my children to grow up knowing that this life is not about them. I want to serve Jesus in any way that He sees fit. I want to give it ALL to Him! That is the cry of my heart. I fall short and I always will, but that doesn't mean that I don't keep trying. I have to keep asking myself "Am I really giving up everything for Jesus or just some comforts that I can do without?"........ I know that no matter what, Jesus can do far more then I could ever imagine. I know that ALL those children in this world have a Heavenly Father who loves them more then I ever could. I also know that His timing is far better then mine and I am trying really hard to be patient. I am ready to just go get our son ( I have been ready) but this is going to be a long process, it could be short if that is the Lord's will, but it most likely won't be. I still have a lot to go through and a lot to experience. I am looking forward to it. The good and the bad.
In my quiet time today I was reflecting on all the little blessings the Lord keeps giving us within just this week alone. What love He has for us. What love He has for me! Sometimes that can be overwhelming too. (in a good way) I am so undeserving. This journey so far has been exciting. I have met a lot of people going through adoption from all over. I have a new found addiction to the computer (blogs) and I have new brother's and sister's in Christ. So fun!
Thank you for putting up with my rambling. Like I said I am overwhelmed so my thoughts are all over the place, but I am resting in my Saviors arms. <3
Just a quick update. We have enough to pay our I-600A (which was $830) Between the yard sale and what we were able to do without we had enough. Praise God!! We still need to get $4100 for our Dossier. Remember no amount of money is to small.
For all you local peeps out there!
There is going to be a fund raiser spaghetti dinner/raffle . There is going to be tons of amazing things you can win. (4 Park hopper tickets to Disney, $250 to brighthouse, free gym memberships, free haircuts and so much more) It will be May22 at LifeBridge Church
12350 S. Belcher Road, Unit #1A (next to Cutting Edge Granite) Largo. At 6:00pm.
Everything will benefit the Walser's adoption.You do not have to present to win. They are getting so close. Please help them bring their child home.
Also another family that I have told you about, The Shubin's are very close to reaching their first goal. Consider buying a T-shirt! Honestly it is my favorite shirt, I wear it more then I probably should :) You can go here to purchase one.
There is also still a T shirt giveaway here that ends soon. Love these shirts and will need to get some.
Together for Christ!
2024 Project Recap
1 day ago